Leverage English Scripts of IR Events for Improved Investment Decision Making


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  Investor Transcript Service  

Key Points

Full transcripts and translations of Japanese IR events provided by SCRIPTS Asia
Get access to full transcripts of presentation & Q&A to 1,100 listed Japanese companies*, even without attending the closed IR event
Broad distribution through leading channel partners (API/Desktop access)

*These include companies expected to be distributed within 6 months.

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Watch the introductory video, including service features, benefits of using the dataset, and overview of functions offered. *This video is based on information as of summer 2023.

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Use Cases

Sell Side Sales & Trading
generate and propose investment ideas.
Use earnings meetings and conference call transcripts, especially for uncovered small/mid cap companies to generate investment ideas to buy-sides.
Research Analyst
do research on earnings calls, etc.
Improve visibility on your entire coverage – competitors, customers & vendors – by accessing IR transcripts.
Quantitative Investor
implement an investment strategy to capture alpha through machine analytics.
Leverage the power of machine analytics by using tagged structured data and sentiment analysis data.

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Coverage & Features

Contents Features
(1) Audio and Transcripts of IR events IR event audio and transcripts of listed companies
Access management comments including Q&A from closed IR events via audio and transcripts, that include presentation materials.
(2) Machine-readable Transcripts Transcripts in XML/JSON format provided through an API
Use granularly tagged structured data through an API to leverage the power of machine analytics.
(3) Sentiment Signal Product Sentiment Signals derived from text data provided by SCRIPTS Asia
Use channel partner services* to make investment strategies based on NLP derived data.
*These services are provided by partners of SCRIPTS Asia; inquire for more information.

Basic Infomation

Service Investor Transcript Service
Description SCRIPTS Asia (SA) provides local language transcripts and translations of IR events of more than a thousand listed Japanese companies. These datasets are delivered via terminal and feed.
Data Frequency Timeline of deliverables below:

Audio 30 minutes*
Meta data 60 minutes*
Expedited transcripts in local language 90 minutes -*
Full transcripts in local language 12 hours -*
English translations 15 hours -*
Sentiment Daily

*Post event timeline: Source Type ‘Direct’

Delivery Desktop, Feed

[Data Type] PDF, TXT, XML, and JSON for transcripts, MP3 for audio files

Dataset Type Transcript, Historical Data (since coverage initiation*)
*Maximum historical record: approx.5.5 years, as of 2023.Oct
Price Inquire through the information request button below.
Sample & Trials Free samples and free trials are available.
Please contact us by clicking on the Free Sample button below.
User Types Asset Managers, Quantitative Investors, Hedge Funds Managers, Sales & Trading, Analysts, Researchers, Investment Bankers, etc.
Use Cases – Propose investment themes & ideas to the buy-side
– Create investment strategies leveraging accumulated text data of transcripts and English translations
– Research a wide number of stocks based on IR events data
– Comparative analysis using event reports, including Q&A
– Access data from unable to attend events
– Refine business analysis using historical data
Redistribution Please contact us through the information request button below.
Related Webpage https://www.jpx.co.jp/english/markets/paid-info-listing/transcripts/index.html

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