OSE Derivatives

Overview of a Trading Participant/Acquisition of Trading Qualifications


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5月 9, 2022 5 min read
Overview of a Trading Participant/Acquisition of Trading Qualifications

Flow of Trading Qualification Acquisition

1. For the acquisition of trading qualifications, please contact Trading Participants Relations Office (+81-3666-0141 (Switchboard)). The exchange holds an interview to confirm whether the applicant's meets the qualification acquisition criteria (formal criteria).

2. In cases where the qualification acquisition criteria (formal criteria) are fulfilled, the exchange explains the procedures and schedule related to the acquisition of trading qualification, and requests the applicant to prepare documents for submission.

3. Japan Exchange Regulation (the Participants Examination & Inspection department) conducts examinations based on the submitted documents. Examination methods include examinations and hearings based on the documents, visits to main and branch offices to confirm the status of control systems, and interviews with executive officers (e.g. presidents, CEOs). (Almost one to one and a half months are required for the examination period.)

4. In cases where the exchange deems granting the trading qualification appropriate in the examination, it will approve such acquisition.

5. Following the approval, after completion of system connection tests* and operational briefings held by the exchange 's related departments, the applicant shall acquire membership on the designated date.

*Not necessary for an applicant who only trade through Commodity Derivatives Business Operator or Foreign Commodity Derivatives Business Operator.

Related links

Please refer to Overview of a Trading Participant and Acquisition of Trading Qualifications for more details.

Please refer to Overview of a Trading Participant and Acquisition of Trading Qualifications for more details.