
JPX Kitahama Festival 2022 “Wishes for Tanabata”


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June 27, 2022 1 min read
JPX Kitahama Festival 2022 “Wishes for Tanabata”

Wishes for Tanabata

Tanabata is a Japanese Festival celebrated on July 7th, also known as the Star Festival. The Tanabata originated from the Chinese legend.

Tanabata is an event related to the stars. It is based on the legend that only once a year, Hikoboshi (Cow herder) and Orihime (Weaving Princess), two lovers, would be allowed to meet each other at the shores of the heavenly river. The moment would take place on the night of July 7th in the lunisolar calendar.

So that, Japanese decorate bamboo trees with colorful pieces of paper to pray for Orihime and Hikoboshi to come together.It is said that if you write your wish on a strip of paper and hang it on a bamboo, your wish will come true.
There are a lot of Tanabata festivals and related events all over Japan during the month of Tanabata.Enter your Tanabata wishes in the input form, we decorate your wishes on bamboo in Osaka Exchange.

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